Tuesday, December 6, 2011


In Dental Hygiene 3 we had a guest speaker come from Colgate the famous SUE!! I felt that she was able to give us some very useful information regarding hypersensitivity. I felt like it was good to know the different active ingredients that can help improve pt sensitivity. Along with stannous and sodium fluoride arginine can help reduce dentinal sensitivity. I like the idea of occluding the tubules. I feel that this is a great area where dental hygienist can offer sound advice and help pts find relief from hypersensitivity pain. I like that I'm not only aware of the toothpaste to recommend but that i can now match the active ingredients and also find a sensitivity tooth pate that tastes good. I think that I would recommend the Colgate sensitive Pro-Relief for the active ingredients as well as the taste. Overall, I appreciate the added knowledge the speaker gave.

Last VA day

The drive here was crazy the wind outside was going 80 -100 mph needless to say I'm amazed we made it here. the road was lined with rolled over semi's and the ones that weren't rolled over were lined up along the side of the road! tons of them! we saw the most crazy things but we were all safe once we got there and the drive home was not nearly. The damage done was unbelievable. I loved that Sarah tried to get Mcconoughy to let us go early but even though WSU was canceled we decided to still see pts. After the stressful drive I had 2 relatively easy pts. Both were class V's although one had some mobility and deep pocketing and needed to have a periodontist come and look at him. I was able to place aretin for the first time and I noticed it was hard to get the cannula into the pocket as the tissue was a little tight. however I think We successfully placed it in 5 sites!! I was a good last clinic day and I'm looking forward to started my last semester!!!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Finals are here

Woot Woot! finished all of my finals!! I took my last test yesterday and it still hasn't set in!! I do plan on going to see my sister tomorrow and maybe I will realize I'm done when I'm not sitting is class!!! I fell I did well on all my finals but would have liked to have done a little better on the LA test I guess this mean I better be studying my butt off for the board!! Also I want to meet to DR. Hanson to clarify a few things!! I just want to make sure I'm understanding everything I need too!! I cant believe I have 1 more semester left!!!! I know its going to come fast, fast, fast!!!!


Mockboards are the next big thing 3 next semester! and so far I have 1 mock board pt! Well 2 I guess If you count my LA mock board! Hopefully I will find another mockboard and a real BOARD pt!!. I also have looked ahead and I think I will be taking my first board the second week of January!!!! Crazy crazy crazy!!! I plan on taking the LA board first. I guess I will be studying during all of my Christmas break!! I'm not quite sure how to tackle the studying but first thing first is to make a firm plan of action!! A few weeks after my LA board I plan to take the National Board!! I think it will be hard to study for both but so far my plan is 2 hrs of LA and 1.5hrs of National Board stuff everyday during the break!! Hopefully I can fit in an actual Christmas too :) Next I'll take to POC a week after the National so wish me luck people!!! oh wait I think I need to register first and then come up with the money :( hope it will all work out!!